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Tuesday, May 19, 2009

New Address & a new Story

She made a choice not so long ago, a decision to step away and grow for her ownself, and in this new journey a new Blog - Her own blog and her own space, an area to explore and to share what truly is on her mind, so though I am sad to see her go I am als glad she made a choice to grow for her ownself and build something that was her own.

The New Address - New Blog - New Beginning - Missed but not forgotten is at:

White House On A Beach

So in that the Cozy Corner though still existing may be forgotten for the not to distant future, so take a stroll along the beach in Bali, where all you need to do is find that white house, her space and her place to explore her thoughts as they travel at accelerated pace.I wish my Koala the best in her new beginning. ANd though I may be a lonely frog, when I do not see her thoughts in the Cozy Corner, will just take a swim across the ocean grim, and hop along the sands of Bali until I find the White House on a beach and once more reunite with my dear koala, and my light.

Friday, May 8, 2009

The wonders of a new Start

When considering that right here and now there is a choice that can be made, a decision to bring great works to the internets, even if only at a blogspot to start it is still a good beginning to bigger and better things that surely will come of it.

So since this is really only a test, I figure I would write out some simple sentiments on the possibilities in the not to distant future.